More About Your Chakras:
There are seven energy centers of spiritual powers in the human body that creates our life force energy known as chakras. These energy centers are connected to the mind, body and spirit of every person and are arranged vertically in the body, starting at the base of the spine and expanding to the top of the head. The chakras are associated with seven colors while functioning as seven “spinning wheels” that control the body’s flow of energy. A fully balanced/open chakra will allow a person to be at their highest rate of productivity. When a chakra is unbalanced/closed, however, a person will have less energy and it can manifest into illness, discomfort or pain.
The first energy center is the ROOT chakra. Associated with the color red, it is located at the base of the spine and is related to our sense of being grounded and connected to our core survival needs for water, safety and food.
The SACRAL chakra is our second energy center, located in the pelvic region of the human body. This area is where the connected power of the masculine and feminine energies reside. Sexuality, creative expression, excitement, and cheerfulness are all of the relating elements of the Sacral chakra. With its dominating color of orange, this chakra is best described as “feeling intimately connected with the creative power of the universe” when open. -Deepak Chopra
Located above the navel is the SOLAR PLEXUS chakra. This third energy center is associated with the color yellow and it determines a person’s ability to accept their lives. When this chakra is open, one will feel confident and empowered in their ability to accomplish all of their goals.
The fourth energy center is the HEART chakra, better known as “the place of openness.” Its dominating color is green and is associated with the sense of touch. Considered to be the center of emotional intelligence, a fully spinning Heart chakra will allow a person the ability to give and receive unconditional love. In addition, they will experience peace, love and harmony while letting go of resentment, anger and fear.
The center of expression describes our fifth chakra… The THROAT chakra, and its dominating color is blue. When opened, a person feels comfortable speaking their truth and confident in the value of their voice being heard.
The region between the eyebrows is where the THIRD EYE chakra is located. Associated with the color indigo, it is the sixth chakra in the human body that represents infinite power. The Third Eye chakra is governed by insight and intuition, allowing a person to have a clear sense of inner-knowingness and a sharper usage of the eyes of the soul.
Lastly, the CROWN CHAKRA is the seventh energy center in the body, located at the top of the head. It is the chakra where one feels their oneness with all of creation. When this chakra is open, one feels like a free soul without boundaries, limits or a sense of time and space.
Dezigne Theory is dedicated to serving as a nucleus that connects individuals to the natural healing resources and practices such as meditations, breath exercises, visualizations, and accessories that are focused on manipulating the flow of subtle energy through chakras to keep the body balanced and flowing correctly so that they can reach their fullest potential.